Friday, February 8, 2008

You won't believe this!

I just found something that will absolutely change the face of the way I teach poetry and writing poetry.

This is the best thing I have found online since

The best things ever. Click on "play with words"

Give it a try, I will create a poem and hopefull post it later!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Poetry and You

I love poetry. I have been published a tad in online journals and I find it to be the best outlet for me as a writer and creative person. It is the one genre that seems to be really quick, to the point and exudes a euphoric sense of accomplishment once you have completed a poem. I also enjoy teaching poetry because there is so much there for the student to discover and sometimes it is almost accidental, coincidental and serendipitous.

Here is a poem for you to contemplate. It's by one of the greats, Billy Collins. It's sure to make you laugh.

We are going to start the film Dead Poets Society and read some poems and listen to some songs. One thing to start thinking about is your own metaphor for life, as that is the capstone of our poetry unit.

Happy Poetry Reading!